Creating and Deleting Stored Expressions
You can create a stored expression in two ways: through the Configuration Console, or through a business object. If you create the stored expression from a business object, it will be an associated stored expression by default, and it can not be changed later. When you create a stored expression from the Configuration Console, you choose whether to associate it to a business object.
For detailed help understanding and writing expressions, read Expression Grammar.

Creating a Stored Expression from the Configuration Console
You can create a stored expression from the Configuration Console. These stored expressions can be associated with a business Object or left unassociated.
1.Select Stored Expressions from the Build list under the Settings pane of the Configuration Console.
2.Click the Add icon to create a new stored expression.
3.Enter the details for your stored expression:
- Name: Choose a descriptive name.
- Description: Briefly describe the purpose of the stored expression.
- Association: If your stored expression needs to be specific to a business object, select the appropriate business object from the Association dropdown list.
- Expression Type: Select the data type you want the stored expression to return. Only Number, Text, DateTime and Boolean return data types are supported.
- Expression:
- Click None to open the Expression Editor.
- The options available in the Expression Editor vary based on the association; only options available for the associated business object will show.
- ForEachChild
- IsBOUnderChangeControl
- HierarchicalChildFold
- ChildFold
- IsTrueForAllChildren
- IfAllSiblings
- GetSRPValue
- GetSRPPrice
- GetBOValue
- FindAncestor
These functions cannot be used with unassociated expressions:
You may only use an associated stored expression when the current business object is the same type or the business object can be referenced through a relationship. An unassociated stored expression may be used in any business object context or when there is no business object.
4.Compose the expression, and click Simplify Expression to check for syntax and accuracy.
Read Expression Grammar for detailed help writing expressions.
5.Click OK to return to the Setting Expression Details workspace.
6.Click Save to return to the Stored Expression workspace.
Once you click Save, you can no longer change your stored expression's association, data type, or name.

Creating Stored Expressions from a Business Object
You can create a Stored Expression from inside a business object. When you create a stored expression from inside the business, you can not change its association.
1.Select Business Objects from the Build list under the settings pane of the Configuration Console.
2.In the workspace, select the business object for which you need this stored expression.
3.Inside the business object, click the Stored Expressions tab at the top. The number in parentheses indicates the number of stored expressions currently associated with this business object .
You will only see stored expressions associated with the business object you're using.
4.Repeat steps 2 - 6 of Creating Stored Expressions from the Configuration Console in this topic to complete and save your stored expression.

Deleting Stored Expressions
Any user may delete a stored expression whether or not they created it.
1.From the Configuration Console, select Stored Expressions from the Build menu.
2.Find the expression you want to delete in the list of stored expressions.
3.Select the red X to the right of the stored expression.
- Select Yes in the Delete Expression dialog box.
- Select No if you don't want to delete the expression.
4.You also can delete the stored expression from the stored expression's details page.
- Any user can delete a stored expression whether or not they created it.
- You can not delete a stored expression if it is currently in use.
- You can not delete a field if it is being used by a stored expression.